021 444 58604 233 9198john@clarkandco.nz
John is widely recognized as one of the most skilled and efficient sales agents in Wellington. His meticulous attention to detail and ability to cultivate strong relationships and think creatively have resulted in his successful sale of several significant commercial properties in Wellington. An asset to the team Upon joining AndCo in early 2021, John brought with him a vast wealth of industry knowledge, experience, and expertise, greatly benefiting the team. With a decade of experience in real estate, John has achieved remarkable success throughout his career, earning numerous accolades during his tenure at Bayleys. Within just one year in the role, he was honored with the Rookie of the Year award from both Bayleys and the National Business Review. Two years later, he ranked among the top seven performers at Bayleys nationwide. Upon joining CBRE in 2010, John received the Managing Directors Award for his outstanding performance. Two years later, he was honored with the Circle of Excellence Award. Consistent results John's tenure at JLL proved fruitful as well, as he successfully sold $20 million worth of property within his first five months in the role, benefiting the organization with his valuable experience. John boasts an impressive track record in handling major investments in the Wellington CBD, including Shamrock House, IBM Building, Westpac House, Greenock House and NZ Post Manners Street. Since John joined the AndCo Group as AndCo Commercial, he has had many achievements including selling down George Daniels Precinct, 21 Jamaica Drive, 240 Kapiti Road as well as properties in Levin, Gisborne, New Plymouth, Taupo as well as numerous deals in the Wellington Region.

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